Wednesday, April 29, 2009

This is the most tiring week ever-.-
i fell sick again because of it. Maybe my body is not familiar with the new routine. nevermind it'll
take time to adapt to it but for now it feels sucky.
School is a -.-, its only 2 weeks and "wuhoooo!" a project was given to us.
This is more stress and more tiring than O levels. I've got to get used to this as soon as possible because it feels impossible.
I miss hanging out with Jojobas ,where we can make ourselves or at least me, stress-free. I miss all the jokes and the super hardcore laughter from them eventhough we know we were taking our O levels and N levels at that moment. We could talk to each other when we got a problem,and i swear they were so sincere to help if they could do anything to make things better.
they never fail to make me smile when we were to have an outing or coincidentally bump into each other.
Now, we're quite seperated from each other because we're taking our diploma in different school and dinie taking his private O's. nevertheless,we still make time to meet each other when we are free and that's cool. Bottomline is"Bodoh!,buat outing lah!~"

Luminiq Family,yeah we going through tough time together but i know we are strong enough to go through all this and put our heads high up. Rememeber we're a family not a crew.
and zee please be strong i know you can do this:D


.:bugger:. @ 10:37 PM

Saturday, April 25, 2009

next week schedule gonna be a killer,fuck.

Labels: ,

.:bugger:. @ 9:30 AM

Thursday, April 23, 2009

okay,poly life is freaking tiring. -.-
need to catch up with alot of things with my clever classmates. haiyah.
tommorow i'll have class from 12-3,at least i can wake up abit later than usual but still it will make me fatigue.
Meeting EZ was great,she may look different but she's still the same asshole i know:D
Okay. i lazy want to update more.


.:bugger:. @ 9:54 AM

Monday, April 20, 2009




.:bugger:. @ 9:15 AM

Saturday, April 18, 2009

thats one of the picture of RP jam and hop. quite fun,an average event. it was quite humid that day and i'm not sure why. Remy and Hamster cypher-ing deserve a salute. lol!& Spyro deserve a salute of going missing just to look and women.*which everybody know why youre went missing*
my class consist of 20 students.
3 girls the rest are guys.
3 malay the rest are Chinese/Indian/Vietnamese/Malaysian.
2 guys who passed NS. (y)
Now i'm figuring out how am i gonna communicate with them-.-
nevermind,anyway i fell sick today:(
cough cough cough go away, come again another, never~


.:bugger:. @ 11:06 AM

Monday, April 13, 2009

It's 6.16am and i only got to sleep from 1am-4.30am just now,
and i'm having orientation at 8.30am. stupid urh.-.-
hopefully it will be fun urh.

.:bugger:. @ 3:04 PM

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy 20th birthday Hamster!:)
although he looks dumb in this picture,eh wait! he's always dumb! ahahahah! okay tak!
anyway he's cool. Sorry your birthday celebration was not that wow. zee's fault! okay tak! haha.
I'm glad that you're back,train hard for BOTY. Big-big challenge for us.
enjoy your day.
okay dah! haha
i want to get get ready,going vivo.:D

.:bugger:. @ 12:18 AM

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Okay. sleep over at Faiz's crib was dope as fuck.
Going sentosa this friday with Luminiq. I know i will enjoy myself:D
ok done bye:D

.:bugger:. @ 9:24 AM