Labels: nahhh, not gonna happen.
Its 4.58 am and i'm still not asleep yet. sleeping disorder i guess? ok i have to work on my sleeping time when end of march comes. get ready for school lah kan? ahahha. ok tommorow i guess breaking at youth park. Choreo some routine,no i mean alot of routine for the upcoming battle.
Rotting at home is really really bad~. do you guys know that? urgh.
Anyway the guys are having fun at the party and i'm here posting an entry due to boredom. pathetic? ahahha.
nvm i got my wife and kids to accompany me.
.:bugger:. @ 12:58 PM
Labels: I had enough actually.ok i knw. six pack missing. :p
Anyway people i got in NYP mechatronics,my 2nd choice-.-
i swear i said damn when i received the news. but nvm mechatronics is not a bad course anyway.
So any freshmen who is entering NYP,Holler me back alright:D
I swear i hate what happened but herh nvm. dont rub it in anymore. To you and everybody.
I'll be fine. i'm not dying or anything. Life experience and i know i can take this on my own. so yeah dont go around busybody about what happened because i swear you gonna see this._|_
sorry if its rude but its better i'll be rude here than later bcs i knw its gonna get much worser than this. try to understand:)
ok bye people,I still love you guys. :P
.:bugger:. @ 12:02 AM
Labels: i can't stop it.
I have to do this survey or whatever you wanna call it because of this slebeng-.- haha
1. The person who tagged you:
-her eating diet. ok kidding! hahah
-idk. lol.
ok i'm done.pnt bodou ni bende.
ok bye.
.:bugger:. @ 7:50 AM
Actually there are more picture but who is stupid enough to upload 400+ photos?
so i just picked the best 5 picture that i liked. thanks to Ayd for his sick skill in photography although its just a digital camera. lol!
so yeah,yesterday went to ecp just like last year. fun? yes! and i admit that i'm lazy to update in details of what happened. haha.
today met some of my classmates. Played streets soccer.(at last! since end of Olvl)
ok now its 3.14am& i'm off to my balcony to smoke but not to sleep. lol
ok byebye bloggy.
.:bugger:. @ 11:04 AM
ok. i'm lazy to update. hope you like the pictures. lol. :P
.:bugger:. @ 9:39 AM
Labels: i give up
I miss Jojobas.
I miss full-squad Luminiq.
.:bugger:. @ 10:07 AM
Labels: the whole of Jojoba is worried.
i thought of updating you guys of wht courses chose. after thinking for the whole of last night i finally came up with my choices. thanks to mum and dad for guiding me and some of my friends:D
1)Sports and wellness management NYP
2)Mechatronics NYP
3)Mechatronics SP
4)Audio visual technology NP
5)Computer engineering SP
6)Tourism and resort management SP
7)Multimedia&infocm. tech. NYP
8)Information comm. tech. SP
9)Mechatronics NP
10)Resort facilities serv. manag. SP
11)Bio engineering SP
12)Biomedical engineering NYP
ok done. so yeah. hopefully i get my 1st choice bcs thts the only course i'm interested in among the 12 choices.
Naz where you at?:(
.:bugger:. @ 3:57 AM
Labels: she's cool.
i passed my O lvl result better than expected. arhhhhhhhhhhhh!*faint again*
ok here's what happened in the hall. it was my turn to take my result. after seeing Joe with no expression i assume he did badly and its pressurized me. i sat down and face both the teachers. i was bloody scared i tell you. Mdm haslina then show my result slip and said tht i did very well. i was shivering like fuck when i saw the result. "you didnt expect it to be this good didnt you?" obviously i say yah!
she show all the subject tht i'd improved on and then she asked me to count the points. "cher,i can't count,help me count",thts wht i told her. haha. she counted for me and guess wht
i've got? 19pt for l1r4. i jumped of my sit and shook hands with her. i didnt believe i can get below 20 points. then i heard joe shouting! haha he got 17 points. bodoh. i open my slip and it shows tht i got 15 points bcs of my cca. my face trus mcm joker sia. senyum tak stop. jump2 around. so yeah. parents happy and i'm also happy. i felt so satisfied.
english b4*thanks to mr Ratish with his funny but effective way of teaching*
maths b4*thanks to mdm haslina for not giving up on me*
science b3*thanks to mr Goh and ms sarah for being patience with the class,and it paid off*
comb humans. c6*-.-*
malay c5*i think i shud start learning spanish*
poa b3*thanks to mr Melvin chua,without your funny way of shouting,maybe i won't get a b3:P*
so one of my new year resolution is accomplished. 23 points and below. lol.-.-
yeah, and i want to congratulate to everyone whom passed their Olvl. and to those who did badly dont get disheartened theres still other choices.
ok now i'm mabuk. i seriously dont know wht course i want and i have until friday to choose-.-
wtf lah. NYP please. hahah.
ok bye.
*wave hand like bodoh*
.:bugger:. @ 3:30 AM
Labels: i want to know more GREATBALL OF FIRE! ok no-.-
Ok see my crappy face with 7 fingers pointing out? i was trying to tell the world tht its 7am and i havent even went to my dreamland:P
I don't why but today or should i say last night,i just cant seem to sleep. maybe i'm excited to meet JJB later on or the other reason was I've been thinking about Olvl result the whole night. -.- my heartbeat sped up whenever i thought of it. urgh. now its only 7.17 am.
wht am i suppose to do now? i'd tried to sleep from 4am-6am but i ended up just rolling to the left and right of my bed continuously. What a drag. and now i'm still not sleepy.
anyone have somesort of remedy for my current problem above?
.:bugger:. @ 3:09 PM
Labels: i still don't know.
.:bugger:. @ 5:50 AM
Labels: cool, cute, funny, sporty and talkative but playing hard to get
-not to do too badly for Olvls(below 23 points pls)
-Luminiq to make it big this year and BE TOGETHER BACK.
-try mixing around with all kind of people.
-about getting myself a gf, haha. let me think about that first.
-not to quit smoking.:P
haha. ok done:D
ok new year celebration with the guys was average. ntg special happened.
today i went to rp alone with no intention to break. but i made friends with some of the bboys there and its great to knw new people.
haha. cool. now i'm going to break everytime ive got ntg better to do.
i'm done with blogging pnt.
.:bugger:. @ 7:26 AM